As all moms should know the famous brand Pampers. Pampers diaper is fairly widespread and it's Mommy's favorite. However, there is very interesting point. In order to be able to adapt to different cultures and consumers need, the type and origin of country of Pampers
?is different from each country.
The theme of this article is a full range comments for four common types of the Pampers made in USA. The?comprehensive evaluation and performance are from breathable, softness, absorption, leakage,?penetration and etc?for four diaper types from Pampers. We hope this comparison and experiment can help moms to choose the right Pampers diaper
for their babies.
The four common diaper types made in USA: Swaddlers Sensitive, Swaddlers
, Cruisers
, Baby dry
We compare the four types of diapers from breathable, softness, absorption, leakage, penetration, diaper designs, size range, price comparison, urine display, etc.
Breathable and Softness
According to the use in reality and based on changing diaper in every three hours, our conclusion is as below:
Swaddlers Sensitive 〉 Swaddlers 〉 Cruisers 〉 Baby dry
For Softness, the four types are all very soft and we can look carefully figure macro material for comparison. Personal preference is the touch feel of Swaddlers Sensitive, Swaddlers. Both are added one more layer of cotton net mesh liner besides the basic soft cotton material, but Cruisers?and Baby dry
are?only the basic soft cotton material.
Diapers leak-proof design
Diapers leak-proof design is very important,because it will have a direct impact on the leak-proof and comfort. All Pampers all have soft elastic side waist design. When you have the elastic side waist design, baby's rear waist has less empty and Mommy won't have to worry about peeing problem leak from rear of the diaper.?However, when I use these diapers, I found the leak-proof design of these types Pampers Diaper at the leg are different.
The Swaddlers Sensitive have the normal height and see below picture:
Swaddlers?leak-side is designed as the highest of the four?diapers. I think this is because the Swaddlers?is main for "care of newborn". Newborn babies poop more dilute. The higher leak-proof design?is able to reach the fully leak-proof.
The leak-proof design of Cruisers?is as follows. It is a normal height, but I feel the wrap and stretch at leg part is the best of four.
The leak-proof design of Baby dry is as follows. It is a normal height as well.
Absorption and Penetration
In order to test the absorption and the penetration of the four types Pamper Diapers, the experiment was divided into three phases, so that we can make a more accurate comparison.
Generally, the diaper can absorb?about?300ml baby's urine, but this just an experiment. We recommend moms change the diaper frequently as possible to avoid diaper rash.
Phases one:
I pour 200ml on the four diapers in?the same position (In order to imitate?the baby's urine, we pour the warter in the same position). After 30 seconds, I put a napkin on the diaper and observe the absorption. After one minute, touch the surface of the diaper and get to know how the dry diapers are.
Swaddlers Sensitive have the best absorption in four types. After pouring 200ml and covering the napkins, there is little penetration. It can present it have a very good penetration.
The absorption of Swaddlers have the barely satisfactory. You can check below picture. It have the very slightly penetration.
Absorption of Cruisers?is?as follow:
Absorption of Baby dry is?as follow
You can tell that Baby dry and Cruisers?have the same bad penetration. It can represent the absorption of these two kinds of Pampers Diaper
are not satisfied.
Phases two:
After 30 minutes, the diaper is poured more?100ml water, and then covered by a napkin?after?30 seconds. You can observe the absorption and penetration. Although Swaddlers Sensitive have the best absorption and?the penetration level in phases one, you can find the penetration in?the phases two with pouring additional 100ml water.
The Swaddlers?have the barely satisfactory in phases one, it still have a little bit penetration at the second phases. Therefore, it shows a very strong sustainable anti -penetration.
The performances of Cruisers?is excellent at second phase and penetration is relatively minor, so anti-penetration sustainability is same as Swaddlers Sensitive.
Baby dry have the worst absorption and the worst penetration at second phase.
Phases three:
Let us observe the dry of diaper after two hours. After experiment, we could?touch and feel the final dry of the diapers. The Dry levels are?as below:
Swaddlers Sensitive 〉 Swaddlers 〉 Cruisers 〉 Baby dry
The?Urine display
Only Swaddlers Sensitive and Swaddlers?have the urine display. If the diaper turn from the yellow to blue, you need to change the diaper for your baby.
No urine display: Cruisers and Baby dry
Price comparison:
Swaddlers Sensitive > Swaddlers > Cruisers > Baby dry
Size range:
You can choose the diaper size according to your baby's weight
size range:
Number N (New?Born): NB to 10 lbs, about 0-5kgs
Number 1: 8-14LBS, 4-6KG
Number 2: 12-18LBS, 5-8KG
Number 3: 16-28LBS, 7-13KG
Number 4: 22-37LBS, 10-17KG
Number 5: over?27 LBS, over 12KG
Number 6: over?35 LBS, over 16KG
Size range of the four kind of the diaper from Pampers:
Swaddlers Sensitive: N, 1, 2, 3, 4
Swaddlers: N, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Cruisers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Baby dry: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6