Dealhaitao 2016-01-27 16:23 默认 浏览: 3,285 First time build a website已关闭评论
First time build a website

It is my first time to build a website. This is a complicated project for me. The process is very slow, I have to try and search the answer I meet during the whole process. Hope this could be done earlier.

At least 15 years ago, I start to get in touch of internet. At that time, the domino and site address mostly are free for everyone. It is very simple. It is a like a blog, you just need to apply a domino name you prefer and start to blog.  You even don't need consider the  server and website address, etc. The template of blog is available, the only thing you need to do is that set any frames by just clicking your mouse.

Now, everything is changed. Of course, it is still have free blogs supplied by some blog website, but the function are limited. Many things can't be adjusted per your wish. That's why I make a decision and build a website by myself.

I was thinking of considering to find a technique who is full of website building tech to help to me to build the basic frame of the website. But the thing is that I have no idea of how my website would become. Therefore, I give up this.

The final decision is that I use a wordpress blog template, and try this website by myself. I would like try a least one year to see what I can do. If I do think this is huge and complicate project, I will find somebody to help me.

Hope everyone visit this website could support me! Thanks all!


